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Course Registration
Registration Procedures
Students must register by the deadline at the start of each semester. Registration is complete only after enrolling in courses and paying the required tuition by the deadline.
Course Registration
Course registration is performed through the course registration site (http://sugang.korea.ac.kr) each semester during the registration period. Courses are categorized as general education courses, major courses, and general electives courses including elective general education, minor-major, dual-major, double-major and teacher training courses. Students must consult the following guidelines for credit acquisition.
Refer to the regulations of the respective department on curriculum and course completion requirements.
Number of Credits: minimum 1 credit to maximum 19 credits
※ Students meeting one of the following may register for an additional three credits per semester:
1) Students who have never received a grade of F in any course and have an overall GPA of 3.75 or higher
2) Students who have earned at least 17 credits without receiving a grade of F in the previous semester (applicable only for regular semesters) and have a GPA of 3.75 or higher
Students may register for courses after receiving guidance on curricula, course registration and other issues regarding their personal academic record from the department office or their advisor.
Course Add/Drop
Students may add and/or drop courses within the deadline of each semester at the course registration site (http://sugang.korea.ac.kr). Add/drop is not possible after the course registration period.
Reattendant Courses
Scope of Permissible Course Retake: Courses in which a grade of C+ (Grade Point: 2.50) or lower was received may be retaken.
Grade Limit
The grade earned for retaken courses cannot exceed A (Grade Point: 4.00), and the grade for courses retaken for the second time cannot exceed B+ (Grade Point: 3.50).
The higher of the grades earned for the course taken initially and for the retaken course is reflected in the GPA, but both will be shown on the academic transcript.
Retaken courses not reflected in the GPA are marked ‘R’ (Retaken) when the grades of the retaken courses are lower than those of the courses taken initially.
Retaken courses for which a grade of F was earned initially shall be considered as reattendant courses.
Courses taken for the first time after the first semester of 2014 and for which a grade of F was given are recorded as NA (Not Applicable).
Retaken courses not reflected in the GPA are marked ‘R’ (Retaken) when the grades of the retaken courses are lower than those of the courses taken initially.
Grade Withdrawal
Eligibility: Enrolled students (or students on leave of absence) who have registered for at least 7 semesters and earned at least 102 credits (106 credits)
※ For transfer students, only fourth-year students are eligible. Dual-major students are excluded.
Credit Withdrawal Limit: Students are permitted to withdraw up to 6 credits only once prior to graduation
(credit withdrawal is not applicable to currently enrolled courses).
Applicable Courses
Courses taken before the second semester of 2013
Courses taken in the first semester of 2014 and unavailable for retake because the courses are no longer offered
Grades cannot be withdrawn for required courses such as required general education courses, required major courses, and required teacher training courses.
Courses for which grades have been withdrawn will not count towards credits. Such courses will be marked as ‘W’ on the academic transcript.
Grades cannot be withdrawn for courses being retaken; courses for which grades have been withdrawn cannot be retaken.
Students cannot retract their application for grade withdrawal after submission (graduation requirements must be confirmed prior to application).